The Most Thrilling Festival of Singapore: Dragon Boat Festival

Blogging Journeys

Singapore might be the destination for entertainment, shopping, or going for business trips. However, it is still known for specific historic festivals including the Dragon Boat Festival

The festival showcases the heritage of the residence as well as the impact of Chinese on the singapore’s history. More than 70% of the individuals in Singapore are Chinese from backgrounds. It is a minute wonder that most Chinese traditions and festivals are celebrated in this fervor nation. 

The Dragon Boat Festival celebrates the long history of Chinese influence in Singapore, which is seen as a water sport requiring s ignificant strength, practice, and team cooperation. During the reign of the Chinese monarch Chu, the famous poet and Minister of condition, Qu Yuan, is said to have committed suicide by jumping into the Mei Lo River out of despair at the condition of corruption in his country. The annual boat racing celebration is dedicated to his memory. According to legend, the boatmen rowed furiously in an attempt to save him from the flesh-eating fish, but they were unable to get to him in time.

Origin of Dragon Boat Festival 

Dragons are known as the most auspicious characters in the Chinese mythology. They represent strength, fortune, and moreover power. In older times, they were presumed to reside in the sea or ocean and were known to influence water bodies. 

During the time when seedlings got transplanted, the summer solstice falls on the fifth day of the 5th month according to the lunar calendar. Throughout this time, each individual in South China executed a ritual for the river dragon. This was done in order to ensure a plentiful harvest as well as good weather. 

Tale of Qu Yuan

Legends of Qu Yuan, an honest minister during China's Warring States era, are inextricably tied to the celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival. During the Warring States era in China, he was a trusted counselor to Lord Huai. However, due to political intrigue by competitors, he fell out of favor with the monarch and was sent into exile. He attempted suicide by jumping into the Mi Luo River but ultimately failed.

The ordinary people, overcome with emotion at the loss of Qu Yuan, are reported to have thrown rice dumplings into the river to protect their remains from the fish and shrimp. Another legend has it that the fisherman scared the man-eating fish away by beating their paddles.

Dragons and rice dumplings are staples at each Duan Wu Jie party. Chinese fishermen have been building dragon-shaped boats as an act of respect since the Han Dynasty; the practice has now evolved into a sport.

The Month of Poison

Several individuals consider that the Dragon Boat Festival is organized in remembrance of the passing of Qu Yuan, who was later taken to fame as a hero and was recognized for his loyalty as well as for poetry. Moreover, Qu Yuan’s death caused the occurrence of the Dragon Boat Festival. 

The fifth lunar month, sometimes called "the month of poison," has deep historical roots. More individuals became sick and diseases spread during the warmest period of the summer. Because of this association, ancient peoples focused heavily on preventing illness and driving away evil spirits at this time of the year. So, at first look, it could seem that the Dragon Boat Festival is just another traditional health and medicine festival.

Dragon Boat Festival Activities

The Dragon Boat Festival is sustaining a long tradition in modern Singapore. There are several activities that are performed and are the most recognizable features of this festival that initiate the legends of patriotism. 

Rice Dumplings

Despite the races, the festival is enjoyed with the intake of rice dumplings that are also known as zongzi. These are wrapped bamboo leaves that are filled with several scrumptious ingredients such as chestnuts, mushrooms and etc. As the story goes, Qu Yuan drowned himself in a river and threw rice wrapped in leaves into the water to prevent fish from devouring his corpse, inspiring the creation of these dumplings as a festival staple meal.

Making your own bak zhang is a joyful and social activity, however, it does take some skill to get it just right. You may also research the best places to order and pick up Dragon Boat Festival Rice Dumplings in Singapore.

Dragon Boat Race

Each year in the month of July, a boat race takes place in Singapore over a period of two consecutive days. It is the
best time to visit Singapore, as you got to experience the boat race. They are easy to spot on the waters of Singapore! Currently, the Dragon Boat race is performed in slender, vibrant boats that reflect the image of dragons. These are identical to the boats that fishermen take to sail to placate the spirits of the river during the summer solstice. At present, the boaters do not just race in order to rescue the drowning ministers, however, they use their strength, skill as well as coordination while competing with the other people. 

Beat the Drums

Several features of the earlier race still exist currently, that involve thin boats, decorated prows, and drums that offer the tempo to the boaters. The atmosphere in Singapore is upbeat as participants row hard, captains beat drums, flags are waved, and fans cheer for their favorite teams. It's an intense and thrilling show that brings together brutal combat, heartbreaking backstory, and devoted friendship.

Celebrations of the Dragon Boat Festival in Singapore

Numerous people on daily basis travel to Singapore for excursions, work, and shopping, but what they miss during their stay is the Dragon Boat Festival. It is one of the most entertaining, amusing, and adventurous
festivals in Singapore that must be witnessed! 

Due to the awareness of this amazing festival, tourists are now traveling to Singapore in order to see the Dragon boats. The race is held around the Bedok Reservoir, Gardens by the Bay as well as the Kallang River every year. The fascinating, filled with vibrant hues and enthusiasm makes the race and boat captivating. 

Dragon Boat Festival meals and racing are both staples of the celebration. The event takes on a carnival vibe as fans gather on the banks to cheer on their teams and sample the day's featured dish.


Explore the Dragon Boat Festival during your Singapore tours in 2023 and experience the mystical ambiance. This amazing festival is all about dragons, rice dumplings, and classical poets. So, this year explore this fascinating city-state and witness the adventurous festival of Singapore.  

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